I like a bit of neutral before it's all gone...

Thursday, 2 September 2010

advice needed!

Hi everyone, I am writing this quick post as a plea for help and advice(maybe some sympathy too!)

At the moment I feel like absolute death. I have caught a cold/flu from my friends and wondered if any of you have any tips, tricks or advice which would help me feel better!?

I would really appreciate it as I would like to shake this as soon as possible. I go to school tomorrow and although we start at 11 and I'm pretty much straugh to bed once this post is up, I am dreading being ill for the first week :(

Anyway I'm off to douse myself in vapour rub, eat a million soothers and attempt sleep.
Let me  know of any remedies in the comments!

yours sniffily


  1. i always feel better having a little bit of a detox, so stock up on fruit and veg. also i find chicken soup or a hard boiled egg and soldiers work wonders for me!

  2. @EMMA-sounds good to me, thanks! chicken soup is definitely amazing : ) haha
    -Hattie xx
