I like a bit of neutral before it's all gone...

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

pretty please with a cherry on top..

So you may have noticed a couple of changes to my blog...

I decided to change the URL and title of this blog- well because I don't really know what Iwas thinking with 'swish chat! We'll put it down to a lapse in judgement and move on...

So from now on this is http://www.prettypleasesme.blogspot.com/  with the title 'pretty please'
The way I see it is that it's ok to have pretty things as long as you are polite ;)

I hope this doesn't cause any confusion- I hoped to get prettyplease.blogspot.com but that was already taken :(
Have a lovely day and stay tuned for more posts soon :)

-Hattie x

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