I like a bit of neutral before it's all gone...

Sunday, 8 August 2010


You may have noticed my new gadget to the right   >>>

I have had an account on polyvore for about two years and think it's really interesting way to play about with clothes, accessories and make-up to create different sets of looks. In a way you are a virtual stylist!

For me polyvore curbs my internet shopping cravings!

Reccently they've added the collection tool on polyvore where you can compile a virtual group of clothing items, accessories and make-up. I've made my first collection which is based around my favourite summer colour palettes, silhouettes and palettes.

I'm thinking about updating a gadget each week or so with a new collection with a different theme, we'll see how it goes and if I have enough ideas!


1 comment:

  1. I love this site!!! I totally agree it curbs my online shopping habit as well (well almost). I'm following :)

    Jenn xx

